Well I said in the last post that the "blog" is the way to go, that it would be easier to keep up with, and here I am 2 months later with my second post. Actually what has kept me away is I am having trouble getting pictures attached- so once I get through that I will update with pics, but for now I can write!
So here is what is happening with the Abels...
Dan is doing great, most of you know he had surgery over the summer- and he is doing great! He has been back to himself now for the last month or so. He has had no more episodes- the doc said he should be cured of the diverticulitis. PRAISE GOD, as Dan would say! Work is going okay, could be better. The slow housing market has an affect on the sales of softners- so he is a little bummed- trying hard to keep his guys motivated. He is still teaching the young married couples at church- scarey I know (just kidding dear).
I myself, am doing well. A little more tired these days. I have been working part-time at a sign company four mornings a week. So this had put a little twist in my schedule. I feel like I am in constant motion. I know God had this job specifically for me- He has blessed us with the income needed, and family is still able to be a priority. I do enjoy being in a new environment- I didn't realize how much of a bubble I was in, and I enjoy what I do. I am more on the production side of things than designing- and I am good with that. I still teach Ladies Bible Study, and I am loving it. We are going through the Book of Romans...slowly. It is great.
Ashley just celebrated her 8th birthday! I can't believe it! Yes she is almost as tall as me. I don't know where she gets her height from. She is currently playing Upward Soccer and she is a supersoccer star! She is loving school and doing extremely well. She is always enthusiastic about her work and it shows. She is our little artist too, hopefully I will get to post some of her work.
Sydney is Sydney- full of surprises. She is loving 1st grade- feels like a big kid now although she is petite. She is having a great time, getting excellent grades as well- even in behavior! She is not a bad kid at all- she just like to test the water. She also is playing soccer and no goals yet, but she is small and mighty. She much more into this year and her aggressive side is coming through.
Then there is Zach- he is at Pre-K 5 days a week now. So next year they will all be in school, that is crazy! He is the life of the party- this one takes after dad. Loves to play, be loud, and be with friends. Heis not happy when I come to pick him up. He is like a sponge, learning all kinds of new things lke writing his name, but he can also tell you how an earthquake happens, or how many bones are in a human skeleton. He pays attention when we study with Ash! He is a soccer stud, that is about it, he just goes out on the field and looks cool. I think last week was the first time his foot touched the ball in a game (we only have 2 games left). I know he is only four.
So there you have it, the latest update. We are looking forward to all are fun fall activities- I hope to have pictures up by then!